Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Sweetpea - Week 6

Week 6: Sweet Pea
(July 7 - July 13)

I only had to pop in at the doctor's office this week to have my hCG checked again. I was ecstatic to find out that it went from 3597 to over 20,000 in a week! I was still a little nervous about the progesterone - especially since they didn't test it again to see if it also went up. I ended up calling the nurse to see if I should be on progesterone supplements or have it retested since it was on the low side of normal the week before. She said she didn't want to second guess the doctor's decision, which sort of made me mad. I told her that SHE wasn't second guessing anything and that I was advocating for myself. She had the doctor call me back, who assured me (again) that there was no need to worry since the beta hCG had increased appropriately.

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