Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Blueberry - Week 7

Week 7: Blueberry
(July 14 - July 20)

We saw the baby for the first time! We also learned that I was exactly 7 weeks on July 14. We saw and heard the heartbeat (139 bpm!) and were both relieved when there was only ONE. I think twins would have sent James to the loony bin. Of course, he always told me that if we had twins, I had better pick a favorite to keep. haha. :) Morning sickness really started to hit me this week and I had really bad back pain. I finally figured out it was a gas bubble stuck in my back, so taking Gas-X really helped. I thought the nausea was really bad at this point and was not prepared for what was in store for me! I had a follow-up doctor's appointment so we could talk about the ultrasound and see if I had any questions. I was very happy that I stayed at the same weight.

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