Week 8: Raspberry
(July 21 - July 27)
The morning sickness started getting out of control this week.. I could barely eat anything and things that I used to love started sounding absolutely disgusting to me. The CANNOT EAT list at this point included Chipotle, most seafood (especially crab legs), most red meat (except for hamburgers), most vegetables, and most poultry. I ate a lot of pasta, apples, grilled cheese, cereal, potatoes, and bacon. We had a doctor's appointment at the "Med Spa" where they gave me a gift bag with coupons, date books, and other things, and I learned what I was not allowed to eat/drink/do. No sushi or other raw meats/fish, no deli meats unless cooked to steaming, etc etc. I already knew most of it so it was a pretty relaxed appointment with few surprises. I also had more bloodwork done to check for infectious diseases, bloodtype, etc.
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