9 3/4 months pregnant and so ready to meet Sydney! I've had minor cramping and contractions here and there but nothing consistent. I have a doctor's appointment today so I hope she tells me that there is a little progress. In earlier pregnancy I never understood why someone would WANT to be induced, but it's becoming more and more obvious as I go on! I still don't want to be induced but I can see why other women opt to have it done right after 40 weeks. My doctor doesn't want me to go past 41 weeks so Sydney will be here within two weeks no matter what!
I started working from home last Thursday which has been SO NICE. No more hour+ commute each way and one of the biggest pluses is that I can take a nap if I am tired. I'm getting things done around the house when I have spurts of energy. I scrubbed the kitchen floor on Monday, vacuumed our bedroom yesterday, and hope to tidy up and vacuum the living and dining areas today. It helps to stay busy all the time so working and cleaning seem to go well together. I know the dogs are happy that I'm home pretty much all the time! I've been taking them for walks around the neighborhood - or rather, they are taking me for the walks - it's much easier to let them pull me along! :o) It's so nice to get out of the house and into the fresh air.
James has been working crazy hours at work for a couple of weeks but all of that is over today. Not that his paternity leave will be a vacation, but at least he won't have to go into work for a month once the baby arrives. I'm so thankful that he'll be home with us!
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