Saturday, September 25, 2010

Week 18 - Sweeeeeet Potato!

Week 18 - Sweet Potato
(September 22-28)

I've started to feel the baby move a bit, and I'm pretty sure I've been feeling this 'quickening' for at least a week or so. Sometimes it just feels like a little muscle spasm in my belly and other times it's more like a fluttery feeling. We have our second trimester ultrasound coming up on October 1st and it's all I can think about! Most people are saying girl and I have to agree...I feel like this little one is a girl. We'll see if I'm right!

I'm amazed at how hard the morning sickness hit me at the beginning and how good I feel now. I didn't know if I'd ever feel good again (you try being sick every day for about 10 weeks!) so this is such a relief. Whew! For me, morning sickness mostly felt like really really bad motion sickness. Sooooo happy that's behind me!

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