Saturday, September 25, 2010

Week 18 - Sweeeeeet Potato!

Week 18 - Sweet Potato
(September 22-28)

I've started to feel the baby move a bit, and I'm pretty sure I've been feeling this 'quickening' for at least a week or so. Sometimes it just feels like a little muscle spasm in my belly and other times it's more like a fluttery feeling. We have our second trimester ultrasound coming up on October 1st and it's all I can think about! Most people are saying girl and I have to agree...I feel like this little one is a girl. We'll see if I'm right!

I'm amazed at how hard the morning sickness hit me at the beginning and how good I feel now. I didn't know if I'd ever feel good again (you try being sick every day for about 10 weeks!) so this is such a relief. Whew! For me, morning sickness mostly felt like really really bad motion sickness. Sooooo happy that's behind me!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Week 17 - Onion

Week 17 - Onion
(September 15 - 21)

Vacation was sooooo relaxing! We had such a great time and it was so nice to not be running all about. I was up by 7am every day and in bed by 9pm almost every night. The exception was when my mom made me stay up and watch America's Got Talent with her. :) James and his dad rented sea kayaks for one morning, we took the dogs on lots of walks on the beach, visited the pier and watched the sunset, and did A LOT of sitting on the beach. My mom and I braved the waves on our last full day there and had so much fun splashing around.

Here's the view from the beach house:

And here's the gorgeous sunset we watched from the pier:

Friday, September 10, 2010

Week 16 - Avocado

Week 16: Avocado
(September 8 - 14)

We leave for Holden Beach, NC tomorrow and will spend a very relaxing week there with my parents and in-laws. I definitely have a lot more energy and less nausea...just in time for vacation! Holden Beach is a really small family beach in southern North Carolina and is where my parents took our family when I was a kid. I think we went there every year for at least 15 years (sometimes twice a year) so there were lots of great memories made there. I can't wait to just lay on the beach, read, and laze about.

I had a doctor's appointment scheduled for today but rescheduled for the week after we get back. There's too much packing and cleaning to do before my parents arrive later this morning.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Orange - Week 15

Week 15: Naval Orange
(September 1 - September 7)

It has been a rather uneventful week other than my stomach is really starting to get bigger! I'm not sure if the rumblings and weird feelings in my abdomen are the baby moving or just random things, but hopefully I'll know for sure in the next couple of weeks.

The nausea has been much better and I'm slowing regaining my energy. I still have food aversions to seafood, Chipotle, and anything ginger-related, but other than that, I seem to have regained my appetite. I have to eat smaller portions now because there isn't as much room in my stomach, but that is fine with me!